A Letter to God

God wrote 66 letters for us. i’m yet to write a single thing for Him. Forgive me, Lord, i am a depraved man. My soul thirsts for You, but my flesh seeks after its own dsires; i wallow in my sin like a swine in filth.

i seek to do your will, but for whose benefit? If i only seek to please You for my own gain, i am no righteous man. i know that no man is righteous outside of Christ Jesus, but how wretched am i that i only fear God for what He can take from me.

i yearn for Your presence, Lord, but i make no effort to seek Your face. i pity myself and abstain from prayer because i cannot bring myself to address you. Who am i that You would hear my prayers. What am i to do, of God. Please help me.

i need you. But i am unworthy. i want to do Your will. But i feel it is for selfish reasons. my heart is broken. Not just in distress, but broken by the way it functions: inadequately and with ill intent.

i’m sorry, my God.

How do i get to a place where i want to serve You because of who Your are, not just what You have done for me. i pray You don’t test my faith by taking the ones i love. i will serve You all the days of my life. Please have mercy Lord.


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