Category: Blog

  • Update

    I am quite the wretched man. And it’s hard to shake. Apparently. I’ll be back with more soon. Until then, A wretched saint

  • A Letter to God

    God wrote 66 letters for us. i’m yet to write a single thing for Him. Forgive me, Lord, i am a depraved man. My soul thirsts for You, but my flesh seeks after its own dsires; i wallow in my sin like a swine in filth. i seek to do your will, but for whose…

  • Are Regrets Real?

    A friend of mine recently told me she doesn’t believe in regrets. Just prior to this I shared my aptitude for speaking my mind and making an effort to live without regret. Her take on this got me to thinking: do regrets exist? Well, certainly they do, but they are a choice. We choose to…

  • Remaining Grateful

    Just a quick thought this evening. Over the past several posts I’ve discussed some of the issues I’ve been struggling with recently. Nothing serious, but just everyday occurrences that can consume our thoughts and steal our energy (literal energy, none of that voodoo jazz). Personally, I often get wrapped up in the things that aren’t…

  • A Word of Encouragement

    I’m in need of a word of encouragement today, so I thought I may do my best to offer one as well. I’ve been in a funk recently, dealing with some personal issues; it’s been difficult to focus on work and be productive. I had a conversation with someone yesterday that left me feeling a…

  • Spiderman

    I make an effort to not spend much time on social media or Youtube; I try my best to be as productive as possible. However, I often find myself there anyway. Recently, I watched a video about Spiderman. The clip showed the ending of one of the films where Peter Parker conversed with the characters…

  • Where are You Running?

    Today is the 15th of January, 2024. Lately, I’ve been struggling considerably in my mind. On one hand, I know undoubtedly that God has had His hand on my life and I feel blessed beyond measure. On the other hand, I’ve been dealing with some personal issues that are gnawing at me. Singleness As a…

  • Introduction

    I’m not sure where to begin, so I will simply begin. It is my prayer that even just one soul finds some sort of positive insight from this blog. Recently, I have been struggling with quite a lot and felt the need to try putting my thoughts onto paper. I’m not an eloquent writer, and…